Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

World News: U.S. economic crisis union

What is the cause of the crisis the U.S. economy:

  1. Cumulation up to the national debt reached 8.98 trillion U.S. dollars while the GDP is only 13 trillion U.S. dollars
  2. There is a program of reduction of corporate tax 1:35 trillion dollars. (reducing income countries)
  3. The cost of war in Afghanistan and Iraq (the results are not secure Iraq and Osama bin Laden not caught as well) after paying Korean and Vietnam wars.
  4. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) a financial institution supervisors do not supervise ICE (Inter Continental Exchange) a body to do the activities of trade berjangka.Dimana ECE also participates mengdongkrak oil prices to more than EUR 100/barel
  5. Sub-prime mortgage: Loss of valuable property that membangkrutkan Merryl Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Northern Rock, UBS, Mitsubishi UFJ.
  6. Decisions interest rates low can encourage speculation.

(Source Kompas 27 Jan 08)

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