BAGHDAD - President George W Bus thrown shoes at a press conference in the last day visit in Iraq, yesterday. Dukk! Bush also successfully avoid casting a mental shoes to the wall. When Bush is on the last day visit to Iraq, and Iraqi PM Nuri al Maliki is a press conference on the results of his visit to Iraq, such as This Reuters on Monday (15/12). When asked whether he came to Iraq to celebrate the victory, Bush also said, "No, I consider it as an important step toward Iraq that supports itself, govern itself and defend itself."
Instead of the war in Iraq has produced something, Bush said the war has not even finished. "There are some tasks that must be done. War is not over, "Bush supplement.
No humans show the power of explanation of the Bush policy on Iraq War, an Iraqi journalists also cry in the language of Arab throw a shoe. "This is the parting kiss from the citizens of Iraq, a dog," he agonized journalists throw shoes.
It reflek Bush also good. He's so spontaneous resign from the casting of shoes that float above the head. Not satisfied because I want to throw journalists is one Sounds again. This time, PM Nuri al Maliki to help rebut the lengannya.
"As the political race when the people cry. That is how people show attention, "Bush said after the incident.
Throw shoes is a form of high dudgeon most people in the Middle East. Journalists who disrupt the event a press conference it digelandang force by Paspampres Iraq and the U.S., while rebel-yelling and screaming.
Bush to visit Iraq before the prime condition for the last treaty review the security of the U.S. towards Iraq, U.S. troops withdrawal from the country, July 2009 under the government Barack Obama. dtc / dq-Ct